Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Dead Alive (Bad-Good 5 stars)

This movie has it all! Labeled the goriest movie of its kind by some, Dead Alive is a hilarious zombie blood bath. It was directed by Peter Jackson (of Lord of the Rings fame) and is wildly entertaining.
I watch this movie at least once every six months or whenever I find someone who hasn't seen it yet. It is a classic. I could probably write pages and pages about every little thing in this movie, but I wouldn't want to ruin anything.
Immediately, you will get sucked in by the movie's sense of humor. Soon after, an engaging yet silly romantic melodrama begins to unfold. Half an hour after that and you'll be knee deep in absolutely ridiculous zombie carnage. And the whole time the gore is just disgusting and almost slap stick at times.
This truly is one, if not THE best zombie movie ever made. 5 huge stars. Watch it, or else . . .

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