Monday, July 21, 2008

Welcome to Dr. Death's Horror Movie Review

For those interested in the horror genre but not keen on watching hundreds of movies and sifting through to find the good, the bad-bad, the good-bad, and the bad-good, welcome to Dr. Death's Horror Movie Review. Using this blog, I will make entries for every horror movie I have watched. I will rate, critique, and recommend movies. Each title will be rated as being good, good-bad, bad-good, or bad. The good category pertains to the classic horror movies. These movies are highly acclaimed and will score well against any horror ruberick. The good-bad category is designated for movies that are cheezy or for whatever reason are so bad they are funny. Many low-budget, poorly written, and poor acted films will comprise this category. The bad-good category is a category which caters to movies that incorporate an element of humor or melodrama which might make them at face value, seem like good-bad movies. Movies such as the Evil Dead Trilogy and Dead Alive will be reviewed in this section. The bad category is self-explanatory. In this section will be listed movies that under no circumstances or under no pretenses should anyone ever waste the time to watch. I have spent a lot of time torturing myself with movies like these so that you don't have to. Please take my word for it when I say that I will approach a movie from every critical angle and do anything in my power to make the movie enjoyable before placing it in this category. Feel free to post requests, suggestions, enraged rants, and really any feedback that you feel is relevant. Dr. Death will be your spectral guide to the horror genre!

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