Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge (Good 3 stars)

As far as sequels to amazing movies go, this one doesn't do too bad. The rules are bent a little bit giving Freddy a freer range to spread his carnage. This is cool to an extent, especially earlier on in the film. Eventually, towards the end a lot of the subtlety with which they handled the struggle of the main character with Freddy is totally discarded. It starts out being conceptual enough to be somewhat believable and ends up being so crudely obvious that I found it difficult to swallow.
Overall, the film is pretty good. There are several images in some of the scenes which I found to be more disturbing and psychologically effective than comparable images in the original. Once again, the acting was good all around. The gore was pretty good. It held my attention for the most part, though there were a few dips.
I would rate this movie a little higher, but I feel like the series took a nose dive as far as the "dream realism" that made the original so creepy. Freddy has a lot more lines in this sequel than in the original. That does something to the character that makes him less of an incarnation of evil and more of a contrived device to sell popcorn.
Anyway: Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge, 3 stars, worth a watch if you enjoyed the original installment. The dream-gore alone makes all the negative stuff even out. Dr. Death is going to sleep; wake me if I start turning into Freddy, ok?

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